This was a 3-day weekend for me and I was hoping to get in 1-2 days of paddling. Unfortunately I came down with a stomach virus. So, while sitting around home, I've done a little research for the CR100. I continue to investigate kayak options, and reading lots of blogs about people's training. "Paddling With A Camera" posts a lot of resources, and I really appreciate this blog and the time put into it (not to mention the great pics). You certainly can find a lot of stuff for elite athletes, but it's much harder to find realistic training programs for the average, athletic "gal!" Also, since this is my first ultra-marathon, I'm looking to finish. The race is really with myself. The "UltraMarathon Paddling" blog by the Nelson's also has some terrific information; articles about eating and hydration. They also post questions asked and their answers to them. I often find a "nugget" of invaluable help.
So, back to kayaks. I'm looking for a kayak I can use in the CR100, but I may never race again. It will depend a lot on the experience I have. So, if I never race again, I want to be left with a kayak that is still seaworthy for the open ocean and I can use for touring. I would like composite, probably at least 17 ft. COME ON, I KNOW YOU KAYAKERS ARE OUT THERE! Your input is really appreciated; please post your suggestions here.
Well, I haven't been just spinning my mental wheels. For the last month I've been cycling 3-4 times a week. I think I'll get on my bike now.